Information for students

Questions and Answers

What kind of services will GKE provide?

Our commitment extends to everyone in the GKEHomestay Program. This ensures that our clients arrive in Canada to asupportive home environment, receiving assistance at every stage of theirvisit. Beyond their stay, numerous hosts and their students forge lastingfriendships.

Our Friendly Reception:

To offer you attractive lodging options in Canada.

- To ensure an excellent match with a nurturinghost family.

- To maintain regular communication throughout your stay in Canada.

What will happen prior to my departure?

Prior to your departure, GKE will:

- Assist you in applying for homestay.

- Provide you with a host profile containing information about the selected host family.

- Provide documents on Canadian culture and tips for a successful homestay experience.

What will happen upon arrival and throughout the homestay period?

Upon arrival and throughout the homestay period, GKE will:

- Offer a comprehensive orientation to prepare you for homestay.

- Provide support as you familiarize yourself with public transit, access health clinics, open a bank account, and more.

- Check in with you during the first month to assess your adjustment to school and homestay.

- Assist in effective communication with your homestay host and address any difficulties that may arise.

- Be available for meetings whenever you need to talk.

- Offer 24-hour support in case of emergencies.

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